Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Frances Ha - August 10th Film

On Sunday, August 10 we'll be treated with the film Frances Ha. This independent film starring Greta Gerwig is about a persistent woman who wants to be a dancer. Even though she has no talent for dance, she perseveres only to watch her dream dwindle. The film will be shown at 3:00 pm, the Digiplex Theater (college and mission). Don't miss this interesting look into the life of a New York City woman as she persists in her unrealistic goal. And notice her parents in the film - they're actually her real life parents.

Oceanside International Film Festival

The Oceanside International Film Festival will be starting on August 3 and continuing through Aug. 10. This is the place independent filmmakers have the opportunity to have their work screened and judged. Besides the schedule of films, there will also be workshops. Click the link below for information and schedule:

How nice to have this festival in our own backyard - a perfect activity for north county film buffs to catch up with the latest in independent film.

10 Best Foreign Films
I noticed this site while surfing the web. It's a list of the 10 best recent foreign films. Wadjda is listed along with 9 others. Hopefully they're all available through Netflix.

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